In-House Services



Durus Land Services, LLC provides a variety of in-house land services. If your oil industry business lacks a dedicated team for these tasks, you can depend on us for the following:

  • Comprehensive file review for asset determinations
  • Contract and agreement preparation and analysis
  • Due diligence related to acquisitions and/or divestitures
  • Electronic and/or paper file set-up and maintenance including field, land, well, and division order files and creation of digitized databases
  • Land and regulatory reviews for new wells, well re-entries, re-activations, or re-completions
  • Quality control
  • Regulatory filings
  • Tracking and handling of periodic payments to properly maintain contractual obligations
  • Working Interest and Net Revenue Interest analysis


The team at Durus Land Services, LLC is standing by to offer you the licensed, certified, and insured land services you need. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

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